AMA: Dustyn Bailey Interviews Layne Harris 7/7/22

Layne's pretty interesting, and we have some fun and interesting questions for him tonight. But here are few things on the back of his Topps card.

  • He is a Creative Technologist (more on this later)

  • Currently rocking it over at Via Agency, you can follow their stuff at @theviaagency

  • You can follow his own creative endeavors at @hellroy

  • He is a new board member

  • He's bold enough to start the ball rolling on our first ever AMA

Dustyn Bailey  7:00 PM

Hello and welcome everyone to our first AMA! I am excited to be moderating our first in the series, and tonight we are talking to @Layne Harris! If you haven't grabbed a whiskey with him and picked his brain, I heavily recommend it.

But without further a-do Layne welcome to the AMA

Layne Harris  7:02 PM

Thank you! Thanks for having me. Oh wait, I'm a board member.

Dustyn Bailey  7:02 PM

Yes indeed, and recent Mainer to boot! So my first question is what has been your favorite thing about being in Maine so far?

Layne Harris  7:03 PM

For me it's easy access to the outdoors - hiking, snowshoeing, etc... this is the first winter I can remember that I looked forward to every weekend!


In Brooklyn, it was a good 2 hours just to find a decent hike!

Dustyn Bailey  7:05 PM

I know, isn't it nice? So for all of here, what exactly is a Creative Technologist? How does one become a creative Technologist? What was your story to get into that position?

Layne Harris  7:07 PM

I think every CT has a different path. I went to school for design, but ended up falling in love with coding, and got my start in tech in Seattle (Adobe, Microsoft, etc...). Eventually I longed to do something creative, and got into advertising, where I found a place helping other creatives think about different technologies for creative storytelling.


IMO all tech has the potential to tell creative stories, from AI and data, to robotics, to voice tech, there's really no limits.


But most creatives are focused on art & copy (for the most part) so I help bridge that gap.

Dustyn Bailey  7:09 PM

I love that. That's modern advertising. On the subject, what are your thoughts on the state of advertising and branding today?

Will Garcia  7:10 PM

Layne, whats an example of using/incorporating/mixing technology into art (ad campaigns included) that you really respect?

Layne Harris  7:10 PM

I think there's a lot going on with the rise of web3 and decentralized web.  While the immediate impact is uncertain, I think long term we are going to see a lot of interesting campaigns using things like tokens and the blockchain to both tell stories and strengthen branding.


@Will Garcia there was a recent campaign from a bank brand in Mexico where they used Whatsapp to help establish a credit history for 10s of thousands of women that could not establish credit. While it was a marketing campaign, it also moved the needle for the bank itself and the community.


The campaign is called La Data Tienda (I think). Def check it out.

Dustyn Bailey  7:12 PM

 We will need to grab some links, I need some reading to catch up on.


@Layne Harris, I know you are proud of your Native American heritage, can you give people an idea about your identity? (edited) 

Layne Harris  7:13 PM

Ad Age

DDB Mexico and WeCapital win Glass Lion for creating credit history for women who had none

'Data Tienda,' which also won Creative Data Grand Prix, had close competition in Ogilvy's campaign in Greece for Lacta about fatal domestic violence.

Jun 24th (75 kB)


Yes, I am quite proud. I am card carrying member of the Cherokee Nation, based in Oklahoma where my family is from. I say card carrying as not to confuse anyone that it's just a family story, but we are in fact tribal members with full recognition by the tribe.


But if you met me, you might look at me sideways, because I'm as Caucasian looking as they get!

Dustyn Bailey  7:17 PM

You did surprise me with that! But also, I hear you like to game, what is your favorite platform for gaming Nintendo, Sega, Xbox, PlayStation, or other? And is video game story telling a way to use tech creatively?

Layne Harris  7:19 PM

Thats a great question! I do think video games are hot right now for storytelling. There was some really fantastic entries in Cannes Lions this year. I don't know if I have a favorite platform. There's def been games over the years that hold my attention. I have always been a big fan of shooters and turn-based strategy games.


But I do have a big collection of retro stuff. I def love Gameboys.

Dustyn Bailey  7:20 PM

I'm too much of a geek , give me a few titles!

Layne Harris  7:20 PM

I played CoD4 until my hands bled I think! I also love all the Civ games. And on Gameboy I loved Advanced Wars!


If we are going really retro, I loved a game called Rampart.

Will Garcia  7:22 PM

That is incredible layne! Doing those basic helpful things with the use of easily available technology is the shit

Dustyn Bailey  7:22 PM

Nice, I have not played that,  I'll be checking it out now! But when you are not gaming I hear you have a lot of fun with your dog! What's their name and what's your favorite thing about them?

Layne Harris  7:23 PM

My dog is named Rocket and he was a rescue from S. Korea. He's a mix of just about every asian breed and he's a surprisingly able hiker! We even took him snowshoeing.


He has his own insta ->

Dustyn Bailey  7:24 PM

D'aww, that's heartwarming. I hope Rocket is enjoying the summer too! So let's bring it back to brass tacks. If there is one thing you can tell young Layne about your career, what would it be and why?

Layne Harris  7:27 PM

I think the biggest thing is to try to say yes to as much as you can, and be generous. I have found over the years that giving people some of your time and energy comes back to you exponentially. I also try to always invest a minimal time in any new thing: trends, apps, platforms, crypto, whatever, doesnt have to be a lot of time/money, but the education is worth it!

Angie Dubois  7:27 PM

Wow that's great advice

Dustyn Bailey  7:28 PM

That's awesome, I am sure some aspiring MADE members need to hear that kind of message!


To wrap this up, you've had an interesting career, can you tell of us a project or challenge that made a difference in who you are or how you grew to be the Layne who said yes to this AMA?

Will Garcia  7:32 PM

Or hang on, layne, dream client

Layne Harris  7:33 PM

Thats a great question. I think there's been more than a few times I said yes to things that were beyond my abilities, and they surprisingly worked out fine. I once agreed (back when streaming to large audiences was unheard of) to create and host a stream of a concert that HBO/Starbucks put on from the US Capitol and we got over 1mm viewers in the first 5 min, a record at that time. When I took on the project I knew nothing about the requirements for something that huge, but I just worked like crazy and recruited as many experts as I could to help me. It was super scary, but in the end gave me the confidence to do anything at that scale.

Dustyn Bailey  7:34 PM

There we go, fortune favors the bold!

Layne Harris  7:35 PM

@Will Garcia Ironically, HBO was also a dream client for the same reason. Super scary, but very high profile fun stuff!

Garrick Hoffman  7:35 PM


Dustyn Bailey  7:35 PM

And two birds one stone!

Will Garcia  7:35 PM

Like it

Dustyn Bailey  7:36 PM

Well that's awesome. Thank you for taking time tonight @Layne Harris it was illuminating!

Garrick Hoffman  7:36 PM

Thanks @Layne Harris!

Layne Harris  7:36 PM

Thank you, @Dustyn Bailey for the great questions! I look forward to the next AMA (when it's not me!)

Meg Raiano  7:36 PM

Thanks @Layne Harris and @Dustyn Bailey for facilitating!

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